Thank you for visiting my website.

I'm a photographer based in London, UK. The motivation for my photography is to produce the highest quality images and prints possible whilst abiding by my own Code of Ethics governing the environmental and social aspects of my photography.

If you would like to use any of the images on this website then I will charge a fair fee to subsidise an expensive hobby. Please contact me if you'd like to download any of the images. If you would like a print, then you can make a purchase via the secure shopping cart after clicking on the relevant image.

Post-capture processing

We live in an age when a photograph can no longer be assumed to be a real representation of the scene seen by the photographer. Imaging software, image manipulation techniques and AI allow easy changes to an image that many believe to be an improvement even at the expense of authenticity.

Generally, the images on this website are accurate representations of the scene in front of me, because I try to re-create the feelings I had when I shot image. I'd like to think that if you like an image you see here, then you would not feel misled if you'd visited that location under the same lighting conditions. Mountain peaks are not stretched, skies have not been replaced, major permanent elements of a scene have not been removed, and there are no photo-montages.

There are some exceptions though. I use slow shutter speeds to blur water and clouds - something never seen by the human eye. The human world does not see in black and white. A piece of litter may have been digitally removed. I try to create what the eye sees by using HDR and focus-stacking to make up for the inadequacies of the camera sensor and the fundamental inability of a lens to focus in more than one plane. I sometimes use Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) techniques to create abstract images that better create the feelings I had when I shot the image. If I think a small twig or leaf is a distraction to the image, then I might clone it out, or use AI to replace it with something in keeping with the rest of the image. There is also one image where the sky is so obviously fake that I regurgitate it every April Fool's Day on Instagram. I doubt it fools anyone!

I use Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop and DxO PureRaw to translate the noughts and ones of the camera's RAW files to become a fair representation of what I saw when I took the image (subject to the caveats above).

My Photography Code of Ethics:


  • I inform myself about any rules and regulations relating to photography and about the physical environment and culture when visiting a new area.
  • I do not knowingly step onto private property without permission.
  • I will follow the principles of Leave No Trace whilst photographing outdoors.
  • I keep rare species safe and intact by not broadcasting the location of a fragile area, plant or animal. I remove GPS data from my images before sharing them with others.
  • I support the ethos of You+2.

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  • I treat all people with respect.
  • I do not reimburse people where to do so would take advantage of their social or economic position or unduly influence them to pose for my picture.
  • I am patient and courteous with non-photographers visiting a scene.
  • I am aware of my position and how it may interfere with the ability of the photographers and non-photographers around me to enjoy a scene.